Chi Yu

Chi Yu’s art book, Lifeworks Lifeworks is available for purchase  Chi Yu’s second book Lifeworks is available for purchase.
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Chi Yu Art

Art is a very subjective topic, but with the streams of muse woven from Chi’s spirit to canvas you can see that the source of inspiration is provided by her life’s journey.

“Since I put a lot of myself within my paintings, the communication of my life’s journey becomes my art – and with that, my definition of art is simple.” -   Chi Yu

For the last 29 years, I have published my oil paintings in a calendar. Beginning in 2022, there will be no more calendars. Instead, I will focus on only six paintings each year. This will allow me to focus my time and energy into what I really want to express from my heart.

Please see my six new paintings, which have been added to the “Flowers” category on my website. I believe you will see how the extra attention to these paintings makes them special and different from my previous paintings. I hope you enjoy them, and I wish you all a healthy, happy 2022.

我的油畫被出版了29年的月曆,每年12幅新畫, 從2022年開始不再出版月曆, 不過,我還是要保持每年有6幅油畫作品。 這樣讓我有較多的時間和精力能更細膩的 在畫布上表達我自已。

在我website 的花卉糸列,可以看到我最近完成的6幅新畫,我相信可以感覺到跟以往的畫風有些不同, 更為細緻, 也有些寫意的影子。 希望大家能喜歡並欣賞這些畫。 也祝福大家有個更美好的2022年。

Please Click here for the Flowers